Crown Me

Weight Loss Update

For those who care. Those who don't may move along.

Total weight lost so far - 12 lbs.

I'm still pretty consistently losing about 1.5 lbs a week. At this rate I figure I'll be able to lose another 6 lbs or so by Christmas/New Years. That will put me about 15 lbs shy of my pre-Jesse-pregnancy weight. Then the really hard stage begins, I think.

I dug out the bin with my winter sweaters and turtlenecks yesterday. They've been under Jesse's bed for two winters since there was no way I could fit in them at this time last year with Molly in utero. Also in the bins were my old flannel PJs and lounging pants. I haven't worn those since I got pregnant with Jesse. On a lark I tried on a pair and was pleased that they fit comfortably. Woo!

As for the pre-preggo jeans, I'm getting close to being able to wear them comfortably for a whole day. Just another 5 lbs I think. We'll see, of course.

Now I'm needing to get the pants and jeans that I just bought before starting the diet taken in at the waist. And I have another pair that need hemming that I never took to be tailored because I started the diet and so I figured I'd just wait until I need to get others taken and to get those done, too. That's a bad sentence, but I can't deal with editing it right now. I'm sorry.

Anyway, things progress well.